2012 Papillion Half Marathon & 10K

Half Marathon-Searchable Format

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Half Marathon-Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1052 Melissa Hunton F2029 434 74/136 195/389 2:13:38 2:12:45 10:08
1398 Melissa Sorensen F2029 435 75/136 196/389 2:13:19 2:12:46 10:08
1422 Jessica Suhr F2029 436 76/136 197/389 2:13:36 2:12:52 10:09
1327 Michelle Read F4049 437 26/72 198/389 2:13:34 2:12:52 10:09
1313 Ramona Price F4049 438 27/72 199/389 2:13:09 2:12:53 10:09
1156 Leslie Booth F2029 439 77/136 200/389 2:13:26 2:12:54 10:09
1146 Julie Lausterer F3039 440 87/143 201/389 2:13:16 2:12:57 10:09
846 Melanie Connolly F3039 441 88/143 202/389 2:13:27 2:13:01 10:09
1137 Tommy Lake M3039 442 79/104 240/304 2:13:36 2:13:13 10:10
1499 Carlo Zocco M4049 443 64/73 241/304 2:13:31 2:13:20 10:11
1362 Tori Rybenski F3039 444 89/143 203/389 2:14:06 2:13:26 10:11
978 Christi Glesmann F3039 445 90/143 204/389 2:13:59 2:13:33 10:12
1440 Jonathan Tigani M2029 446 52/64 242/304 2:14:01 2:13:40 10:12
747 Michelle Anthony F2029 447 78/136 205/389 2:14:21 2:13:41 10:12
914 Caitlin Eisenmenger F2029 448 79/136 206/389 2:14:02 2:13:47 10:13
1207 Sara Meade F3039 449 91/143 207/389 2:14:32 2:13:47 10:13
716 Matthew Lankford M3039 450 80/104 243/304 2:14:45 2:13:51 10:13
672 Kelly Fahnholz M3039 451 81/104 244/304 2:14:42 2:13:56 10:13
980 Janet Goetting F3039 452 92/143 208/389 2:15:09 2:14:28 10:16
717 Regina Maria Teague F3039 453 93/143 209/389 2:15:41 2:14:47 10:17
930 Rick Fauss M5059 454 31/37 245/304 2:15:32 2:14:51 10:18
1364 Kari Sawyer F2029 455 80/136 210/389 2:15:09 2:14:51 10:18
858 Jeanne Stromgren F4049 456 28/72 211/389 2:15:25 2:15:01 10:18
1361 Steffany Rutherford F4049 457 29/72 212/389 2:15:39 2:15:01 10:18
726 Dennis Kinsey M3039 458 82/104 246/304 2:15:37 2:15:08 10:19
923 Ronda Evans F3039 459 94/143 213/389 2:16:01 2:15:10 10:19
1305 Merlyne Polete F4049 460 30/72 214/389 2:16:11 2:15:20 10:20
940 Megan Finn F2029 461 81/136 215/389 2:15:59 2:15:20 10:20
1136 Ryan Lafountain M2029 462 53/64 247/304 2:16:06 2:15:20 10:20
739 Jennifer Allen F2029 463 82/136 216/389 2:16:00 2:15:22 10:20
820 Michelle Caples F4049 464 31/72 217/389 2:16:03 2:15:55 10:23
1193 Caitlin McAtee F2029 465 83/136 218/389 2:16:43 2:15:56 10:23
1111 Kimberly Knudsen F3039 466 95/143 219/389 2:16:43 2:15:57 10:23
1355 Edward Roubal M2029 467 54/64 248/304 2:16:20 2:16:12 10:24
1195 Lee Ann McClannan F3039 468 96/143 220/389 2:17:09 2:16:19 10:24
919 Adrian Epstein M3039 469 83/104 249/304 2:16:59 2:16:27 10:25
1289 Brook Paulsen F3039 470 97/143 221/389 2:16:45 2:16:28 10:25
1263 John Norman M3039 471 84/104 250/304 2:17:30 2:16:56 10:27
766 Jefferson Barnett M4049 472 65/73 251/304 2:17:52 2:16:59 10:27
966 Brad Gilbert M3039 473 85/104 252/304 2:17:46 2:17:01 10:28

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