Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1926 Renee Coughlin F5054 545 14/53 248/777 30:02 29:46 9:35
247 Nathaniel Saamanen M1934 546 107/153 298/508 30:50 29:46 9:35
1747 Sandy Matthews F5054 547 15/53 249/777 30:44 29:49 9:36
68 Wes Kilgore M1934 548 108/153 299/508 29:54 29:50 9:36
1039 Sydney Ball F0112 549 21/54 250/777 30:33 29:50 9:37
1102 Nancy Bennett F5559 550 9/40 251/777 30:14 29:51 9:37
1088 Kathryn Ball F3539 551 27/95 252/777 30:33 29:51 9:37
1155 Camille Marsten F1318 552 51/81 253/777 29:59 29:52 9:37
1396 Malinda Matthees F1934 553 95/292 254/777 30:30 29:53 9:37
253 Nick Legarde M0112 554 23/43 300/508 30:14 29:54 9:38
1239 Shannon Sundquist F1934 555 96/292 255/777 30:23 29:54 9:38
304 Ronald Anderson M6064 556 13/30 301/508 30:22 29:55 9:38
1382 Devin Soul F1934 557 97/292 256/777 30:14 29:55 9:38
1081 Tess Voller F0112 558 22/54 257/777 30:48 29:56 9:38
384 Charles Carlson M1934 559 109/153 302/508 30:07 29:56 9:38
598 Kurt Anderson M1934 560 110/153 303/508 30:40 29:56 9:39
1401 Mary Guetter F4549 561 20/64 258/777 30:06 29:58 9:39
1338 Cheri Boreen F4044 562 14/59 259/777 30:17 30:00 9:40
1154 Tessa Clemenson F1318 563 52/81 260/777 30:00 30:00 9:40
1220 Raemi Hendrickson F1934 564 98/292 261/777 30:31 30:02 9:40
131 Brendan Fenning M1318 565 55/64 304/508 30:09 30:02 9:40
607 Timothy Mott M4549 566 22/39 305/508 30:36 30:02 9:40
76 David Gourhan M6064 567 14/30 306/508 30:20 30:03 9:41
1538 Kimberly Artmann F3539 568 28/95 262/777 30:07 30:03 9:41
1811 Peg Lomen F5054 569 16/53 263/777 30:58 30:04 9:41
1469 Sandra Flynn F4549 570 21/64 264/777 30:38 30:04 9:41
1113 Zoeie Ziells F0112 571 23/54 265/777 31:00 30:05 9:41
1797 Andrea Moffatt F3539 572 29/95 266/777 30:50 30:05 9:41
1394 Nicole Goodin F3539 573 30/95 267/777 30:39 30:05 9:41
1120 Vicki Plant F5559 574 10/40 268/777 30:30 30:08 9:42
1884 Rebecca Kulas F4549 575 22/64 269/777 30:28 30:10 9:43
1223 Amy Miller F1934 576 99/292 270/777 30:14 30:10 9:43
1416 Sarah Matthees F1934 577 100/292 271/777 30:50 30:11 9:43
1718 Laurie Arnason F5054 578 17/53 272/777 30:22 30:13 9:44
1270 Mary Karst F5054 579 18/53 273/777 30:25 30:13 9:44
535 Harry Zachau M5559 580 11/27 307/508 30:26 30:14 9:44
211 Gavin Legarde M0112 581 24/43 308/508 30:38 30:18 9:46
179 Dennis Legarde M4044 582 27/43 309/508 30:39 30:19 9:46
1188 Elise Longley F0112 583 24/54 274/777 30:56 30:19 9:46
1681 Miranda Larson F1318 584 53/81 275/777 30:57 30:20 9:46

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