First American State Bank Fitness Festival



September 12, 2009 in Greenwood Village, CO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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265 Gina Batali-Brooks F4049 283 27/58 114/263 34:51 34:11 11:15
1346 Terrence Spencer M4049 284 38/46 163/230 35:45 34:13 11:32
383 Debra Collins F4049 285 33/58 134/263 37:42 34:14 12:10
480 Lesley Hathorn F5059 286 12/27 112/263 34:31 34:16 11:08
1538 Austin Juister M1013 287 19/30 168/230 36:39 34:16 11:50
1512 John Owens M1013 288 20/30 169/230 36:43 34:21 11:51
404 Jessica Devries F3039 289 27/57 117/263 35:14 34:25 11:22
405 Tim Devries M3039 290 23/32 161/230 35:14 34:25 11:22
2199 Judy Cusak F5059 291 13/27 113/263 34:45 34:27 11:13
1081 Kendra Neumann F1013 292 12/34 116/263 35:14 34:40 11:22
189 Barbara Alexander F5059 293 14/27 135/263 37:52 34:41 12:13
1062 Megan Rielly F0109 294 2/20 141/263 38:34 34:43 12:27
12 Holly Miller F1013 295 14/34 138/263 38:20 34:45 12:22
841 Jodi Padilla F3039 296 38/57 164/263 41:22 34:50 13:21
1607 Kristian Poole F2029 297 23/37 115/263 34:55 34:52 11:16
697 Rob Maurice M4049 298 37/46 162/230 35:29 34:58 11:27
361 Julie Caine F2029 299 24/37 119/263 35:29 34:58 11:27
974 Arden Cutforth F4049 300 34/58 136/263 37:59 35:01 12:16
440 Henry Frick M0109 301 13/26 178/230 38:26 35:05 12:24
441 Jason Frick M3039 302 27/32 177/230 38:25 35:05 12:24
1393 Michael Vanzant M3039 303 26/32 170/230 36:46 35:07 11:52
1601 Joan Troemner F4049 304 28/58 118/263 35:22 35:10 11:25
375 David Cho M1416 305 15/15 179/230 39:08 35:13 12:38
1871 Patricia Wilson F2029 306 26/37 126/263 36:14 35:18 11:41
719 Milroy Alexander M6069 307 8/16 165/230 36:09 35:19 11:40
1876 Andy Colella M3039 308 24/32 166/230 36:17 35:20 11:42
553 Jamie Jezier F1013 309 15/34 140/263 38:28 35:28 12:25
679 Jodie Lopez F3039 310 30/57 124/263 36:10 35:32 11:40
678 Matt Loose M3039 311 25/32 167/230 36:21 35:36 11:44
677 Dana Loose F3039 312 31/57 128/263 36:21 35:37 11:44
2066 Eleana Welsh F0109 313 4/20 147/263 39:37 35:38 12:47
796 Sean Nemec M2029 314 10/11 174/230 37:31 35:43 12:07
795 Courtney Nemec F2029 315 28/37 132/263 37:32 35:43 12:07
1505 Jewel Carlon F1013 316 13/34 130/263 36:34 35:45 11:48
2067 Shauna Welsh F1013 317 16/34 149/263 39:45 35:46 12:50
622 Colette Leblanc F1013 318 18/34 152/263 40:03 35:49 12:56
2069 John Grijalva M6069 319 10/16 172/230 37:00 35:51 11:56
1869 Mike Whitaker M4049 320 39/46 164/230 36:00 35:52 11:37
1744 Charla Rosenberry F4049 321 32/58 133/263 37:41 35:58 12:10
2064 Adrienne Welsh F4049 322 38/58 153/263 40:07 36:09 12:57

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