Gopher To Badger

Half Marathon -Official Results

Half Marathon and 5K


August 14, 2010 in Hudson, WI

Results By

Half Marathon -Official Results - Results

Charts and Stats
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No division specific results were uploaded for this race.
No division specific results were uploaded for this race.

displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1073 Mark Brooks 20 6/84 19/347 1:32:24 7:04
1800 Chris Lachmansingh 21 4/121 20/347 1:32:25 7:04
1717 Terry Ziegler 22 2/45 21/347 1:32:50 7:06
1255 David Holleran 23 7/84 22/347 1:33:05 7:07
1038 Jeff Becker 24 5/121 23/347 1:33:11 7:07
1034 Mike Bateman 25 6/121 24/347 1:33:15 7:08
1282 Greg Jongbloedt 26 7/121 25/347 1:33:16 7:08
1330 Dave Lane 27 8/71 26/347 1:33:32 7:09
1808 Chris Simpson 28 9/71 27/347 1:34:10 7:12
1826 Nathan Pechacek 29 8/121 28/347 1:34:27 7:13
1083 Chad Burt 30 9/121 29/347 1:34:28 7:13
1121 Monique Crisp 31 1/128 2/389 1:34:33 7:14
1116 Michael Cooper 32 8/84 30/347 1:34:43 7:14
1734 Seth Schroeder 33 10/121 31/347 1:34:57 7:15
1130 Nicole Degner 34 2/142 3/389 1:34:57 7:15
1732 Julia Weiskopf 35 2/128 4/389 1:35:17 7:17
1652 Rob Vanderloop 36 11/121 32/347 1:35:29 7:18
1394 Gerald Meadows 37 10/71 33/347 1:35:45 7:19
1247 Katherine Himes 38 3/128 5/389 1:36:00 7:20
1314 Jessica Kociscak 39 3/142 6/389 1:36:07 7:21
1676 Greg Weber 40 9/84 34/347 1:36:37 7:23
1143 Adam Drahos 41 12/121 35/347 1:37:12 7:26
1227 Robert Hart 42 13/121 36/347 1:37:24 7:27
1589 Tom Silverberg 43 3/45 37/347 1:37:34 7:27
1833 Scott Swenson 44 14/121 38/347 1:37:37 7:28
1838 Kelly Van Guilder 45 4/142 7/389 1:38:30 7:32
1702 Sarah Woodland 46 1/16 8/389 1:38:30 7:32
1479 Jason Peters 47 15/121 39/347 1:38:41 7:32
1241 Matt Hennig 48 16/121 40/347 1:38:58 7:34
1209 Scott Hackel 49 4/45 41/347 1:39:00 7:34
1280 Jeffrey Johnston 50 5/45 42/347 1:39:01 7:34
1037 Nate Beaudin 51 17/121 43/347 1:39:01 7:34
1126 Nate Damro 52 18/121 44/347 1:39:14 7:35
1745 Randall Henkemeyer 53 10/84 45/347 1:39:16 7:35
1718 Jamie Zimmer 54 19/121 46/347 1:39:25 7:36
1830 Brian Van Beusekom 55 20/121 47/347 1:39:27 7:36
1542 Krista Ruffini 56 5/142 9/389 1:39:39 7:37
1837 Jeff Fourman 57 6/45 48/347 1:39:40 7:37
1313 Kari Koski 58 4/128 10/389 1:39:43 7:37
1266 Kirk Jacobson 59 7/45 49/347 1:39:47 7:37

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