Mad City Marathon Races - 2005

Half Marathon - results - Results

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1780 Jean Hulbert F5054 1190 15/33 591/953 58:42 2:10:44 2:11:23 9:59
1766 Rob Hermann M3539 1191 119/133 600/727 53:30 2:09:52 2:11:29 9:55
2217 Julie Malucha F4044 1192 60/89 592/953 55:03 2:10:23 2:11:33 9:57
3102 Mary Tylicki F2529 1193 146/226 593/953 1:00:23 2:10:07 2:11:33 9:56
2086 Anne Stancil F2529 1194 147/226 594/953 58:08 2:10:20 2:11:34 9:57
3139 Kristen Scherkenbach F2024 1195 113/164 595/953 1:00:09 2:10:06 2:11:35 9:56
3221 Kristen Gehring F2024 1196 114/164 596/953 1:00:10 2:10:05 2:11:35 9:56
3212 Laura Clark-Taylor F4549 1197 35/76 597/953 - 2:10:05 2:11:35 9:56
2933 Diana Mumford F2024 1198 115/164 598/953 1:00:10 2:10:06 2:11:35 9:56
2773 Julie Schroeder F3034 1199 100/152 599/953 58:16 2:11:01 2:11:37 10:00
3280 Cheryl Bock F3034 1200 101/152 600/953 54:54 2:11:35 2:11:39 10:03
2844 Allison Macdonald F0119 1201 19/37 601/953 55:50 2:11:23 2:11:39 10:02
3329 Donna Nicolai-Weber F4549 1202 36/76 602/953 57:59 2:10:32 2:11:40 9:58
2787 Sharon Worzalla F0119 1203 20/37 603/953 58:17 2:10:36 2:11:44 9:58
2908 Kelly Gardner F2529 1204 148/226 604/953 57:55 2:10:48 2:11:46 9:59
2875 Mindy Voelker F3034 1205 102/152 605/953 55:55 2:11:42 2:11:46 10:03
2212 Ken Johnson M5559 1206 18/34 601/727 58:56 2:11:32 2:11:47 10:02
1679 Patrick Fleury M3539 1207 120/133 602/727 55:32 2:10:55 2:11:51 10:00
2140 Ramona Villarreal F5054 1208 16/33 606/953 58:06 2:11:15 2:11:55 10:01
2515 Julia Bultmann F2024 1209 116/164 607/953 58:35 2:10:53 2:11:55 9:59
2523 Nathan Hornung M2024 1210 42/52 603/727 58:35 2:10:53 2:11:55 10:00
3060 Andrew Jalbert M3539 1211 121/133 604/727 58:58 2:08:33 2:12:01 9:49
3077 James Moyer M3539 1212 122/133 605/727 58:59 2:08:34 2:12:01 9:49
3279 Michael Bauer M4044 1213 98/110 606/727 57:58 2:11:31 2:12:06 10:02
2614 Glenn Andler M5054 1214 51/64 607/727 56:12 2:10:51 2:12:07 9:59
1851 Joseph Kvamme M2529 1215 89/110 608/727 59:31 2:10:44 2:12:10 9:59
2051 Laura Schuppener F2024 1216 117/164 608/953 59:31 2:10:44 2:12:10 9:59
2791 Sara Glodowski-Sandee F2529 1217 149/226 609/953 57:37 2:10:56 2:12:10 10:00
1566 Fran Breit F4549 1218 37/76 610/953 58:25 2:11:39 2:12:13 10:03
2960 Rich Vurva M4549 1219 66/77 609/727 56:16 2:11:19 2:12:15 10:01
2193 Claudette Zweifel F3034 1220 103/152 611/953 58:21 2:11:41 2:12:24 10:03
3319 Michelle Bastall F3034 1221 104/152 612/953 58:21 2:11:41 2:12:24 10:03
3332 Megan Ramey F2529 1222 150/226 613/953 56:45 2:11:38 2:12:25 10:03
1539 Lisa Bell F2024 1223 118/164 614/953 56:37 2:12:11 2:12:27 10:05
3091 Scot Ross M3539 1224 123/133 610/727 57:32 2:10:55 2:12:36 10:00
3117 Elizabeth Anders F3539 1225 105/156 615/953 57:31 2:12:22 2:12:37 10:06
2256 Ann Brice F3539 1226 106/156 616/953 58:09 2:09:03 2:12:38 9:51
2559 Barbara Guy F0119 1227 21/37 617/953 1:00:26 2:11:06 2:12:43 10:00
1828 Michael Klinker M4549 1228 67/77 611/727 54:19 2:11:43 2:12:44 10:03
2035 Richard Schell M4044 1229 99/110 612/727 55:51 2:11:04 2:12:44 10:00

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