Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1227 Sarah Peterson F1934 277 26/292 83/777 26:28 26:12 8:26
1898 Jamie Schneeweis F1934 278 27/292 84/777 27:08 26:15 8:27
1425 Lisa Zylstra F1934 279 28/292 85/777 26:24 26:16 8:28
284 Thomas Miller M6064 280 8/30 195/508 26:25 26:17 8:28
1591 Sarah Hackel F1934 281 29/292 86/777 26:26 26:17 8:28
250 David Zimmel M3539 282 19/46 196/508 26:59 26:18 8:28
225 Erik Herberg M1934 283 68/153 197/508 27:01 26:18 8:28
306 Daniel Porter M1934 284 69/153 198/508 26:43 26:18 8:28
1462 Lisette Wright F3539 285 10/95 87/777 26:32 26:19 8:29
466 John Cox M4044 286 16/43 199/508 26:49 26:19 8:29
1631 Holly Paschke F4044 287 4/59 88/777 26:24 26:20 8:29
1335 Sara Prosen F1934 288 30/292 89/777 26:36 26:22 8:29
460 Eric Skudstad M1934 289 70/153 200/508 26:35 26:22 8:29
265 Henry Venuta M0112 290 9/43 201/508 27:05 26:23 8:30
1619 Shelley Scott F1934 291 31/292 90/777 26:41 26:23 8:30
1135 Michele Fritz F4549 292 9/64 91/777 26:34 26:26 8:31
453 Kenneth Gerard M1934 293 71/153 202/508 26:30 26:26 8:31
1643 Tia Pederson F4044 294 5/59 92/777 27:01 26:26 8:31
1294 Malerie Riewer F1934 295 32/292 93/777 26:37 26:26 8:31
1856 Lyndsey Smith F1318 296 26/81 94/777 26:34 26:30 8:32
499 Dustin Grew M1318 297 43/64 203/508 27:29 26:31 8:32
465 John Jokela M4044 298 17/43 204/508 26:42 26:31 8:33
1564 Amber Weber F1934 299 33/292 95/777 26:41 26:32 8:33
1065 Jenae Pedersen F1318 300 27/81 96/777 26:52 26:32 8:33
1728 Ana Bilben F1318 301 28/81 97/777 27:23 26:32 8:33
1751 Jill Laplante F1934 302 34/292 98/777 26:37 26:32 8:33
207 Conor Donnelly M1934 303 72/153 205/508 27:09 26:33 8:33
32 Carter Vork M0112 304 10/43 206/508 26:46 26:33 8:33
1077 Sue Hill F5054 305 6/53 99/777 26:40 26:35 8:34
412 Mark Pederson M4044 306 18/43 207/508 27:10 26:35 8:34
440 Travis Hagen M1934 307 73/153 208/508 26:52 26:36 8:34
83 Ryker Brazerol M0112 308 11/43 209/508 26:46 26:36 8:34
441 Ray Reinfeld M4549 309 16/39 210/508 26:53 26:37 8:34
54 Dj Carlson M6569 310 3/20 211/508 26:47 26:37 8:34
1667 Roxanne Reinfeld F0112 311 6/54 100/777 26:53 26:38 8:35
1233 Maura Sackett F1934 312 35/292 101/777 26:40 26:39 8:35
94 Hayden Carver M0112 313 12/43 212/508 26:45 26:39 8:35
1775 Amy Geissler F1934 314 36/292 102/777 26:56 26:40 8:35
165 Andrew Wassing M1934 315 74/153 213/508 26:44 26:40 8:35
188 Kyle Hanson M4044 316 19/43 214/508 27:22 26:41 8:36

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