2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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657 Elizabeth Monroe F 35-39 342 11/65 77/320 4:06:57 9:26
638 Richard Becker M 55-59 343 11/32 266/622 4:07:01 9:26
522 Christopher McCullick M 35-39 344 50/100 267/622 4:07:01 9:26
333 Katy Chapman F 30-34 345 10/62 78/320 4:07:03 9:26
941 Kirk Johnson M 60-64 346 2/17 268/622 4:07:05 9:26
255 Jeff Boyd M 25-29 347 59/118 269/622 4:07:05 9:26
17 Ashok Attaluri M 40-44 348 22/64 270/622 4:07:17 9:27
191 Allison Stoppel F 35-39 349 12/65 79/320 4:07:29 9:27
343 Jordan Serati F 20-24 350 13/27 80/320 4:07:40 9:28
415 Maxwell Braasch M 25-29 351 60/118 271/622 4:07:42 9:28
817 Jared Allen M 40-44 352 23/64 272/622 4:08:04 9:29
66 Ross Taylor M 30-34 353 52/109 273/622 4:08:12 9:29
94 Alysha Hanson F 35-39 354 13/65 81/320 4:08:13 9:29
714 Julie Viehmann F 40-44 355 12/41 82/320 4:08:26 9:29
173 John Miya M 25-29 356 61/118 274/622 4:08:32 9:30
882 Stephen De Gracia M 35-39 357 51/100 275/622 4:09:20 9:31
431 Joshua Cole M 30-34 358 53/109 276/622 4:09:20 9:31
471 Judah Schwepler M 18-24 359 27/56 277/622 4:09:23 9:32
641 Nikolai Scanlan M 18-24 360 28/56 278/622 4:09:29 9:32
506 James Nelson M 50-54 361 12/40 279/622 4:09:53 9:33
716 Jared Lafal M 18-24 362 29/56 280/622 4:10:02 9:33
1336 Anthony Cardella M 18-24 363 30/56 281/622 4:10:04 9:33
324 Adam Rogers M 30-34 364 54/109 282/622 4:10:09 9:33
827 Meg Husted F 35-39 365 14/65 83/320 4:10:12 9:33
286 Suzanne Montgomery F 45-49 366 7/26 84/320 4:10:27 9:34
138 Jessa Hahn F 25-29 367 19/57 85/320 4:10:38 9:34
349 Brent Blazek M 30-34 368 55/109 283/622 4:10:41 9:35
5 Kevin Spears M 35-39 369 52/100 284/622 4:10:43 9:35
875 James Weaver M 50-54 370 13/40 285/622 4:10:44 9:35
543 Krishnan Pallavur M 45-49 371 33/63 286/622 4:10:50 9:35
918 Patrick Deignan M 35-39 372 53/100 287/622 4:11:01 9:35
1351 Adam Eisenberg M 40-44 373 24/64 288/622 4:11:03 9:35
613 Joanna Corey Lochner F 45-49 374 8/26 86/320 4:11:19 9:36
345 Craig Pleskac M 50-54 375 14/40 289/622 4:11:21 9:36
866 Alexis Brudnicki F 30-34 376 11/62 87/320 4:11:37 9:37
868 Matthew Buenger M 18-24 377 31/56 290/622 4:11:43 9:37
294 Vincent Pistone M 25-29 378 62/118 291/622 4:11:50 9:37
717 Jerry Whitten M 40-44 379 25/64 292/622 4:12:02 9:38
834 Jessica Weiche F 45-49 380 9/26 88/320 4:12:23 9:38
552 Jordan Paz M 25-29 381 63/118 293/622 4:12:46 9:39

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