114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2541 Graham Jones M3034 250 27/299 209/2629 42:15 6:49
2268 Michael Hirlinger M2529 251 36/318 210/2629 42:19 6:50
233 David Barrett M4044 252 24/228 211/2629 42:20 6:50
870 Ben Christopher M3539 253 30/287 212/2629 42:21 6:50
3769 Zach Napora M2024 254 31/284 213/2629 42:21 6:50
4838 Chris Shiffert M5054 255 5/200 214/2629 42:22 6:50
9721 Steven Thompson M6064 256 6/166 215/2629 42:22 6:50
6866 Daniel Hurt M2024 257 32/284 216/2629 42:23 6:51
648 Sam Buescher M3034 258 28/299 217/2629 42:24 6:51
1336 Holden Draper M1619 259 38/169 218/2629 42:25 6:51
1790 Emily Glatfelter F4549 260 1/211 42/2609 42:25 6:51
1753 John Gibson M3034 261 29/299 219/2629 42:25 6:51
1143 Jack Davis M0115 262 13/140 220/2629 42:25 6:51
6072 Max Forster M2024 263 33/284 221/2629 42:26 6:51
1238 Michael Deyhle M2024 264 34/284 222/2629 42:27 6:51
9481 Nicky Robertson M0115 265 14/140 223/2629 42:29 6:52
1861 Adam Graham M3539 266 31/287 224/2629 42:31 6:52
382 Lisa Bible F3034 267 12/260 43/2609 42:31 6:52
2575 Craig Kaiser M2529 268 37/318 225/2629 42:34 6:52
2396 May Humpert F1619 269 4/250 44/2609 42:34 6:52
8447 Hayden Huber M3034 270 30/299 226/2629 42:34 6:52
5225 Luke Takahashi M5054 271 6/200 227/2629 42:37 6:53
1410 Ben Edwards M3539 272 32/287 228/2629 42:38 6:53
10083 Sophie Schutte F2024 273 9/349 45/2609 42:38 6:53
4813 Brian Shay M5054 274 7/200 229/2629 42:39 6:53
9725 Carey Tighe M3539 275 33/287 230/2629 42:42 6:54
9843 Tyler Yannessa M1619 276 39/169 231/2629 42:42 6:54
3551 Dennis Miles M5054 277 8/200 232/2629 42:44 6:54
4308 Jacob Renner M2024 278 35/284 233/2629 42:45 6:54
1147 Mark Davis M5559 279 2/188 234/2629 42:46 6:54
5045 Adam Stautberg M2529 280 38/318 235/2629 42:47 6:54
463 Caleb Bone M3034 281 31/299 236/2629 42:47 6:54
660 Noah Burbrink M2529 282 39/318 237/2629 42:47 6:54
8624 Chris Beerman M5054 283 9/200 238/2629 42:49 6:55
9955 Joe Kemme M3034 284 32/299 239/2629 42:50 6:55
9212 Dino Lucarelli M4044 285 25/228 240/2629 42:53 6:55
9084 Braeden Huth M2024 286 36/284 241/2629 42:54 6:56
5256 Patrick Taylor M3034 287 33/299 242/2629 42:55 6:56
1524 Michael Fenton M1619 288 40/169 243/2629 42:55 6:56
9542 Aaron Schmitt M3539 289 34/287 244/2629 42:55 6:56

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