114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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9920 Shannon Davis F5054 769 5/186 187/2605 49:00 7:55
2017 Heidi Hansen F0115 770 20/128 188/2605 49:00 7:55
2680 Zachariah Kershner M2024 771 83/284 583/2620 49:00 7:55
1124 Christy Daniel F4044 772 13/223 189/2605 49:00 7:55
8986 Julie Gray F3034 773 29/260 190/2605 49:01 7:55
2016 Aaron Hanse M4044 774 63/224 584/2620 49:01 7:55
4034 Andrew Pearson M3034 775 72/299 585/2620 49:03 7:55
1444 Cayla Enzweiler F1619 776 32/250 191/2605 49:03 7:55
6975 Andrew Radin M3034 777 73/299 586/2620 49:04 7:55
7389 Eli Banish M0115 778 36/140 587/2620 49:04 7:55
9231 Ben Mann M5054 779 27/199 588/2620 49:06 7:56
7250 William Mistler M4549 780 34/191 589/2620 49:06 7:56
6893 Michael King M5054 781 28/199 590/2620 49:07 7:56
5514 Stevie Wagschal F3034 782 30/260 192/2605 49:07 7:56
5103 Kathi Stevens F4549 783 8/211 193/2605 49:07 7:56
10474 Roberto Mendoza M2024 784 84/284 591/2620 49:07 7:56
10326 Jason McVean M3034 785 74/299 592/2620 49:07 7:56
4115 Megan Plas F0115 786 21/128 194/2605 49:07 7:56
7274 Aaron Porotsky M2024 787 85/284 593/2620 49:08 7:56
1138 Michael Dauterman M3539 788 83/287 594/2620 49:08 7:56
3014 Matthew Latscha M5054 789 29/199 595/2620 49:08 7:56
4111 Elizabeth Plas F5054 790 6/186 195/2605 49:08 7:56
5046 Jeff Stautberg M2529 791 87/318 596/2620 49:09 7:56
9917 Scott Plumley M6064 792 12/162 597/2620 49:09 7:56
8490 Tiffany Valpreda F4044 793 14/223 196/2605 49:09 7:56
8489 Patrick Valpreda M4549 794 35/191 598/2620 49:09 7:56
4986 Daniel Sontag M3539 795 84/287 599/2620 49:09 7:56
2375 Alex Hudepohl F2024 796 32/349 197/2605 49:10 7:56
683 Alex Burki F4549 797 9/211 198/2605 49:10 7:56
865 Megan Chrapliwy F4044 798 15/223 199/2605 49:11 7:56
866 Olivia Chrapliwy F0115 799 22/128 200/2605 49:11 7:56
10467 Colin Dorman M2529 800 88/318 600/2620 49:11 7:56
152 Chad Aylor M4549 801 36/191 601/2620 49:11 7:56
8442 Brandon Miller M4044 802 64/224 602/2620 49:12 7:56
10141 Kyle Koenig M2529 803 89/318 603/2620 49:13 7:57
2040 Cassie Harp F0115 804 23/128 201/2605 49:13 7:57
7873 Dale Turner M5054 805 30/199 604/2620 49:13 7:57
2002 Gay Hammon F5559 806 4/168 202/2605 49:13 7:57
8429 Bayley Feist F2529 807 32/356 203/2605 49:14 7:57
2381 Halie Hugenberg F2529 808 33/356 204/2605 49:14 7:57

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