Steamboat Classic



June 16, 2007 in Peoria, IL

15-Kilometer - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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506 Cole Studstill M4549 145 10/37 128/390 1:10:49 7:40 23:58 27:22 43:50 1:11:11 7:37
694 Cheryl Richards F4044 146 5/22 18/201 1:11:02 7:40 23:38 27:04 44:09 1:11:13 7:39
157 Mike Buoscio M5054 147 8/44 129/390 1:11:08 7:40 23:27 27:16 44:02 1:11:18 7:39
196 Michael Cruz M4549 148 11/37 130/390 1:11:08 7:41 24:20 27:46 43:42 1:11:27 7:39
520 Charles Tromp MCLY1 149 7/40 131/390 1:11:14 7:41 24:08 27:41 43:47 1:11:27 7:40
687 Kyle Leonard M1924 150 22/33 132/390 1:10:46 7:42 27:02 30:42 40:49 1:11:31 7:37
604 Roger German M4549 151 12/37 133/390 1:11:13 7:42 24:18 27:44 43:51 1:11:35 7:40
164 Kurt Butterfield M4549 152 13/37 134/390 1:11:04 7:42 24:49 28:19 43:17 1:11:35 7:39
481 Tim Siscoe M3539 153 14/35 135/390 1:11:21 7:42 24:29 28:03 43:35 1:11:37 7:41
262 Alex Harrington M1924 154 23/33 136/390 1:11:38 7:43 22:15 25:35 46:08 1:11:43 7:43
463 Todd Schmidt M3539 155 15/35 137/390 1:11:36 7:43 22:54 26:22 45:23 1:11:44 7:42
165 Jack Caldwell M5054 156 9/44 138/390 1:11:40 7:44 24:41 28:19 43:29 1:11:47 7:43
38 Carol Pratt F4549 157 1/20 19/201 1:11:46 7:44 24:02 27:35 44:17 1:11:52 7:43
233 Margo Garnant F3539 158 2/33 20/201 1:11:32 7:44 24:55 28:36 43:19 1:11:55 7:42
338 Eric Kuchenmeister MCLY1 159 8/40 139/390 1:11:40 7:44 24:59 28:37 43:19 1:11:55 7:43
344 Ben Lee M1924 160 24/33 140/390 1:11:50 7:45 24:24 28:07 43:53 1:11:59 7:44
513 Sean Swanson M0118 161 18/33 141/390 1:12:00 7:45 21:02 24:28 47:34 1:12:02 7:45
167 Dave Camp M5054 162 10/44 142/390 1:11:51 7:45 24:41 28:14 43:49 1:12:03 7:44
515 Scott Thompson M3034 163 13/29 143/390 1:11:52 7:46 24:51 28:29 43:42 1:12:10 7:44
313 Rob Kazlauski M4044 164 17/42 144/390 1:12:04 7:46 24:01 27:35 44:36 1:12:10 7:45
317 Kevin Kennedy M4044 165 18/42 145/390 1:12:00 7:47 23:42 27:06 45:15 1:12:21 7:45
137 James Bezely M4549 166 14/37 146/390 1:12:08 7:48 24:35 27:59 44:30 1:12:29 7:46
160 Michael Burk M5559 167 7/30 147/390 1:12:17 7:48 25:13 28:47 43:44 1:12:31 7:47
613 Shawn Glatz M2529 168 20/35 148/390 1:12:14 7:49 23:35 27:03 45:31 1:12:33 7:46
600 Robert Graf M4549 169 15/37 149/390 1:12:27 7:49 24:36 28:12 44:25 1:12:36 7:48
656 Aaron Schock M2529 170 21/35 150/390 1:12:14 7:50 25:14 28:52 43:51 1:12:42 7:47
702 Kyla Vervynck F2529 171 3/35 21/201 1:12:35 7:50 24:44 28:22 44:24 1:12:45 7:49
327 Mike Klopfenstein MCLY1 172 9/40 151/390 1:11:57 7:50 25:52 29:30 43:17 1:12:47 7:45
486 Bradley Smith M4044 173 19/42 152/390 1:12:17 7:50 25:57 29:36 43:12 1:12:48 7:47
279 Pablo Hernandez M5559 174 8/30 153/390 1:12:48 7:50 24:27 28:02 44:49 1:12:50 7:50
125 Jack Bartholomew M4044 175 20/42 154/390 1:12:34 7:50 24:29 28:02 44:49 1:12:51 7:49
199 Laurel Darren F3034 176 4/26 22/201 1:12:46 7:51 24:36 28:12 44:43 1:12:55 7:50
223 Joelle Felumlee F2529 177 4/35 23/201 1:12:42 7:52 24:58 28:30 44:35 1:13:05 7:50
541 Chris Warren M3034 178 14/29 155/390 1:12:49 7:52 24:41 28:29 44:40 1:13:09 7:50
608 Jared Sexton MCLY1 179 10/40 156/390 1:12:59 7:52 22:26 26:04 47:06 1:13:10 7:51
275 James Henkins M4549 180 16/37 157/390 1:13:00 7:53 24:35 28:13 44:59 1:13:11 7:51
646 Eddie Lloyd M4044 181 21/42 158/390 1:12:54 7:53 25:22 29:00 44:17 1:13:17 7:51
182 Zach Clark M0118 182 19/33 159/390 1:13:13 7:54 23:51 27:34 45:49 1:13:23 7:53
582 Brandon Roberts M3539 183 16/35 160/390 1:13:23 7:55 22:36 26:19 47:11 1:13:30 7:54
554 Terry Whitehead M5054 184 11/44 161/390 1:13:28 7:55 24:00 27:41 45:53 1:13:33 7:54

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