Valentine's Day Run

5k Run


February 15, 2009 in Denver, CO


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5k Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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400 Megan Vestal F2029 55 10/55 15/174 24:26 7:53
193 Glenn Berggoetz M4049 56 7/26 41/133 24:32 7:55
296 Jamie Keith F0112 57 1/4 16/174 24:36 7:56
425 Rhianon Schuman F2029 58 11/55 17/174 24:43 7:59
130 Micheal Chessnue M6069 59 5/13 42/133 24:44 7:59
49 Kyle MacKey M0112 60 2/4 43/133 24:48 8:00
48 Rod MacKey M4049 61 8/26 44/133 24:48 8:00
178 Catherine Arnold F3039 62 2/43 18/174 24:48 8:00
225 Katie Crispell F2029 63 12/55 19/174 25:02 8:05
223 J. Wendel Cox M4049 64 9/26 45/133 25:07 8:06
106 Zo Fifeld M1319 65 5/9 46/133 25:14 8:09
267 Mandie Haggerty F2029 66 13/55 20/174 25:25 8:12
132 Mark Griebling M4049 67 10/26 47/133 25:27 8:13
235 Emily Dugan F2029 68 14/55 21/174 25:28 8:13
337 Jon Mullett M3039 69 10/39 48/133 25:29 8:13
176 Takane Aizeki F4049 70 3/37 22/174 25:44 8:18
143 Carmen Brown Caseno F4049 71 4/37 23/174 25:46 8:19
73 Kari Hendren F2029 72 15/55 24/174 25:48 8:20
364 Ellen Reitsema F2029 73 16/55 25/174 25:53 8:21
227 John Dancewicz M2029 74 9/19 49/133 25:54 8:21
329 Garrhett Melendrez M2029 75 10/19 50/133 25:56 8:22
215 Jolon Clark M2029 76 11/19 51/133 25:58 8:23
196 Jason Blasi M2029 77 12/19 52/133 25:58 8:23
438 Douglas Tisdale M3039 78 11/39 53/133 25:59 8:23
210 Sara Chavez F2029 79 17/55 26/174 26:00 8:24
262 Erin Griebling F3039 80 3/43 27/174 26:00 8:24
254 Kika Fredericks F2029 81 18/55 28/174 26:05 8:25
277 Diane Henry F4049 82 5/37 29/174 26:13 8:28
406 Jessica Whitted F2029 83 19/55 30/174 26:16 8:29
100 Tim Lindholm M5059 84 9/21 54/133 26:20 8:30
98 Bill Obert M70UP 85 1/2 55/133 26:26 8:32
199 Greg Muth M2029 86 13/19 56/133 26:29 8:33
99 Katie Kilbey F2029 87 20/55 31/174 26:29 8:33
103 Garth Englund M5059 88 10/21 57/133 26:33 8:34
289 Jon Johnson M4049 89 11/26 58/133 26:35 8:35
290 Trent Johnson M1319 90 6/9 59/133 26:42 8:37
34 David Lammle M4049 91 12/26 60/133 26:43 8:38
328 Kristen Meador F3039 92 4/43 32/174 26:47 8:39
352 Joel Peacock M5059 93 11/21 61/133 26:48 8:39
336 Josephine Morgenstern F2029 94 21/55 33/174 26:49 8:39

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