Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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558 Dick Erie M6064 1183 28/30 487/508 46:43 45:40 14:42
1490 Hannah Hylden F1318 1184 79/81 697/777 46:42 45:41 14:43
1826 Linda Erie F5559 1185 30/40 698/777 46:44 45:42 14:43
1034 Rebecca Pickens F1934 1186 266/292 699/777 46:41 45:43 14:43
1769 Mandi Johnson F1934 1187 267/292 700/777 46:45 45:45 14:44
1489 Debbie Davis F4549 1188 61/64 701/777 46:49 45:49 14:45
1367 Elizabeth Roeske F0112 1189 52/54 702/777 46:50 45:50 14:45
1374 Shelley Roeske F4549 1190 62/64 703/777 46:50 45:50 14:45
1768 Juliana Martinez F1934 1191 268/292 704/777 46:49 45:50 14:46
1888 Tiara Toland F1318 1192 80/81 705/777 46:33 45:51 14:46
1892 Kathleen Toland F1318 1193 81/81 706/777 46:34 45:51 14:46
163 Erik Pauna M1934 1194 151/153 488/508 46:21 46:00 14:49
1231 Darla Calverley F5054 1195 46/53 707/777 46:21 46:00 14:49
86 Dakoda Brazerol M1318 1196 63/64 489/508 46:51 46:04 14:50
1169 Kristin McLellan F1934 1197 269/292 708/777 46:48 46:05 14:50
507 Lane Steele M4044 1198 43/43 490/508 47:21 46:14 14:53
505 Isaac Steele M0112 1199 40/43 491/508 47:21 46:14 14:53
1739 Deborah Knight F5054 1200 47/53 709/777 47:28 46:24 14:56
1476 Suzanne Semborski F4044 1201 54/59 710/777 47:04 46:33 14:59
1369 Stephanie Wainionpaa F3539 1202 90/95 711/777 47:04 46:35 15:00
230 Joe Secola M1934 1203 152/153 492/508 47:30 47:00 15:08
1429 Kelly Bakk F1934 1204 270/292 712/777 47:30 47:01 15:08
1122 Jan Pearson F5559 1205 31/40 713/777 47:55 47:07 15:10
1544 Stacy Langguth F1934 1206 271/292 714/777 47:39 47:10 15:11
1121 Kathy Mainella F5054 1207 48/53 715/777 48:25 47:16 15:13
1605 Nicole Parsson F1934 1208 272/292 716/777 48:03 47:22 15:15
1854 Katherine Fredrickson F6569 1209 10/14 717/777 48:02 47:23 15:15
1611 Susan Labrosse F5054 1210 49/53 718/777 48:03 47:23 15:15
1855 Dawn Smith F4044 1211 55/59 719/777 48:02 47:24 15:16
1639 Jamie Eggert F1934 1212 273/292 720/777 48:13 47:24 15:16
1668 Jeanne Lindholm F5559 1213 32/40 721/777 48:15 47:26 15:16
1437 Joanne Docteur F7074 1214 6/7 722/777 48:16 47:27 15:17
1802 Jessica Saba F1934 1215 274/292 723/777 48:33 47:27 15:17
1853 Taire Suliin F5559 1216 33/40 724/777 48:15 47:27 15:17
1055 Paula Castro F1934 1217 275/292 725/777 47:56 47:32 15:18
1097 Tasha Raske F1934 1218 276/292 726/777 47:57 47:32 15:18
1282 Roberta Jones F6064 1219 11/15 727/777 48:44 47:40 15:21
1696 Karen Ulstad F6569 1220 11/14 728/777 48:51 47:52 15:25
585 Jerry Anderson M7579 1221 5/6 493/508 49:02 47:56 15:26
586 Robert Anderson M5054 1222 35/35 494/508 49:03 47:57 15:26

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